The anticipation of summer builds up every year as kids near the end of the school year. Before you know it, summer break is here, and the fun is in full swing! You may find yourself quickly running out of things to do or running out of the energy to do them all. This printable filled with simple activities will help to keep the summer fun going for the whole break without hitting burnout 2 weeks in.

Scroll to the bottom to download and print the Summer Fun Days Chart!
When I first became a parent, I loved doing fun seasonal activities with my son. We made crafts, baked things together, and made the simplest of days fun in some way. When he entered into the school aged years, we began to do less out of the box fun activities together on a daily basis, and school work and after school activities took up most of our time. When summer rolled around we found ourself with ALL of the time we needed to spend quality time together creating and doing new things. So we decided to make bucket lists of all of the things that we wanted to do for that summer to make sure we got every bit of fun out of the break that we could!
As my kids got a little bit older, I found myself starting to get burned out by all of the questions of “what are we going to do today?” or my kids expecting something more fun and exciting than the day before. After giving each day of the week a purpose, and setting expectations of what each day will or won’t hold, I noticed much less boredom and even more excitement for the next day, even if we didn’t go anywhere or do anything big and expensive. So now, every summer we follow a daily themed chart of activities.
Each day of the week, the kids and I agree on what activity we are able to do from that day’s theme. We usually just pick one, but depending on the activity we may do more than one in a day.
This gives us something new to do nearly everyday of the summer!
Summer Fun Days Themes
Make It Monday- On this day, we make things! Recipes, crafts, puzzles… anything that we can make with our hands, we can do on make it Monday.
Take It Out Tuesday- On this day, we get out of the house! We might go to the park, to the movies, or just outside. As long as we are getting out of the house and doing something fun, it counts!
Water Wednesday- On Water Wednesday we might go to a water park, have an at home car wash and play some fun music, or keep it pretty simple with a water balloon fight or spray bottle tag.
Thinking Thursday- On Thursdays, we use our brains! We might bring out our science kit and be scientists for the day, work in our learning workbooks, play educational games on the computer, or practice learning a new skill.
Fun Friday- On Fridays we have big fun! We might make multiple forts throughout the house, set up an in home theater with movie snacks and popcorn, have a glow in the dark dance party, or have a family game night.
Weekend Activities- On weekends we may do some house projects together as a family, go out to eat together, or do something out of the ordinary that may take more planning than an activity that we would do during the week.
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