If you have found yourself consumed by never ending piles of laundry, or are just looking for a way to simplify your laundry routine, consider these 9 tips for creating a more simplified laundry system that works for you!
How To Simplify Your Laundry Routine
Use One Simple Laundry Detergent
Use one simple laundry detergent that works best for every member of your family. If you have a family member with sensitive skin, use a fragrance free detergent, along with a stain remover if extra cleaning power is needed. Though I have found by adding a bit of borax to my laundry really helps to lift stubborn stains.
Skip The Fabric Softeners
Keep your laundry routine simple by not using fabric softeners like dryer sheets or liquid softeners. These products are usually filled with irritating chemicals and coatings that can actually keep your clothes from getting clean the more that you wash them. I don’t use any type of liquid softener or dryer sheets for my laundry, though I sometimes will use wool dryer balls for things like pillows. A splash of vinegar is also great for softening up towels.
Use The Basket System
I have recently fallen off of the routine of using this system, and I need to start it up again ASAP, because I remember how much easier laundry was when I used this method. Simply keep an empty laundry basket on top of your dryer, and as soon as the clothes are finished drying, fold the clothes right out of the dryer and place them into the basket. Then take this basket, and put the clothing away in the correct drawers. This is helpful especially if you tend to pile clean laundry up at the foot of the bed and forget about it until hours later like I sometimes do.
Use A Hanging Clothing Organizer
I swear that I remember my mom using clothing organizers in this way at one point for us when we were kids, and ever since I remembered this, my kids laundry system has worked so much better for us. On every Sunday, My son and I pick out a weeks worth of clothing for the school week, and place the outfits each into a separate cubby. Using this system, he only has to think about what he is going to wear one day a week! This also keeps clean clothes from finding their way into random piles around the room. Keeping me from having to play a guessing game of what’s clean and what isn’t. Giving me less laundry to do!
Keep A Basket for Unwanted Clothing
This is such a good tip for both kid’s and adult’s clothing! Keep a small basket somewhere in each closet for unwanted items of clothing that you want to donate. When going through your child’s clothes, you can easily toss in items that no longer fit them, or items that you know are uncomfortable. This keeps articles of clothing that are no longer wanted out of the weekly laundry system. Thus, giving you less laundry to do.
Limit Number Of Hangers
If you find that you are just drowning in way too much laundry, you probably need to simplify the amount of clothing that you own. A good way to do this is to declutter your closet of unloved items, and only keep the amount of hangers that still have clothes to hang on them. All other hangers should be donated along with the unwanted clothes. This will keep the amount of clothes that you are washing down to a more manageable amount. When you purchase a new item of clothing, just be sure to get rid of a hanging item that you love less than the new one, or reconsider buying the new item in the first place if you do not wish to get rid of any of the clothing that you currently own.
Limit The Use Of Monograms
This one might ruffle some feathers! To keep my laundry super simplified, I do not put monograms on any of my kids clothing. It is the cutest thing, but when donating items, I want to be sure that the child receiving those clothes can wear them without worrying about if it has the correct letter(s) on it. Monogrammed clothing can also be expensive, so that is one cost that I will never have to worry about. Though, I have monogrammed my kids book bags and lunch boxes, because we plan to use these items for many years until they are no longer in good condition. It is absolutely a personal preference, and there is no wrong in doing it. I just choose to keep things that much more simple when it comes to clothing.
Limit The Number Of Towels/ Sheets That You keep
This tip has helped us tremendously in keeping our laundry routine super simplified! Our family of four has two towels and two wash rags per person. This is more than enough to get us through a week of towels, and I only ever have to wash 14 items on towel washing day even if all of the towels were dirty. We also only have one set of sheets per bed in our home, which is 3. I wash sheets on Sunday, and make the beds up in the same day, so we have never needed to keep more than one set of sheets per bed at a time.
Have a Set Laundry Day
I have found that completing at least one load of laundry a day keeps piled up laundry at bay. I usually stick to a set day for each type of laundry that I do to ensure that everyone has the clothes that they need each week. Our laundry routine looks a little like this-
Monday- Mom’s Laundry
Tuesday- Kitchen Towels/Rags
Wednesday- Dad’s Laundry
Thursday- Kid’s Clothes
Friday- Bathroom Towels/Rags
Saturday- Blankets
Sunday- Sheets
I sometimes stray from this routine for clothing, but towels, blankets, and sheets usually get washed on their designated days.
There you have it!
My tops tips for a more simplified laundry routine.
I hope this post has been helpful to you, and that you can use a few of these tips to simplify your own laundry routine!
– Courtney
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