This leaf rubbing activity is the perfect craft to welcome the fall season with your kids! One of the first signs of fall is falling leaves, and our yard is always FULL of them starting in September. Add this activity to your fall bucket list and create a new seasonal tradition.

Collect Fall Leaves
The first thing to do for the leaf rubbing activity is to collect some of your most favorite fall leaves. While collecting leaves with your little one, talk about the different colors and shapes of the leaves, noticing how they crunch beneath your feet.
Fall Crayons
Take a look through your art supplies and find any old or broken fall colored crayons. Peel off any paper from around the crayons to be able to rub them horizontally across your page later. This is also a great fine motor activity for kids who are old enough to practice peeling the paper away from the crayons.

Prepare Your Page
Place a few of your leaves on top of a white sheet of paper. Layer a second sheet on top, covering the leaves.
Rub To Create Fall Magic!
Assist your child by placing a hand firmly on the paper to prevent it from sliding around. Placing a crayon longways across the paper, show your child how to rub it back and forth on top of the paper, creating the image of the leaf!

Get creative by changing colors, or using multiple colors for one leaf. Have fun making different sizes, shapes, and colors of leaves!
I hope you enjoy making new memories with your little one this fall!
– Courtney
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